
Along the Siak River


People of many different ethnic groups live along the Siak River, sharing poverty and cramped living spaces. Open sewers line the roads and flow underneath the stilts of elevated houses. The smell of sewage floats in the air. Some homes are wooden shacks while others have sturdy walls. Often women can be seen preparing food here and children flying homemade kites.

Many of the homes are painted in bright oranges, yellows and blues. Men play dominoes in front of small storefronts and loud motorbikes fly past on the narrow streets. Families bathe and wash their dishes and clothes in the river, despite the pollution and oil in the water.

Then the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Revelation 22:1 (NLT)

  • Pray that Siak River residents will draw water from the River of Life rather than the polluted Siak River!
  • Pray that the local government would take responsibility for providing a healthy living environment: a functioning sewage system, clean water and durable shelters.

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