
Teluk Kuantan Region

When Enough is not Enough

Just behind the mosque there appears to be a forest, but upon further inspection it becomes clear that the trees are spaced in orderly rows. At the far end of one of the rows, a middle-aged woman is cutting a groove in the tree bark. Ayu is collecting sap from the rubber trees for sale later in the week. Her husband recently left her for another woman and moved several hours away. She’s been left with the burden of raising their children and caring for her disabled mother.

Many of the people living in the Teluk Kuantan region depend on rubber tapping as their main source of income. Ayu has been working hard day-in and day-out, especially since the rubber prices dropped 50% in the past several months. As Ayu continues to move from one rubber tree to the next, she just can’t help but worry for her family. She is now considering getting re-married because she feels that the burden of single parenting is way too much for her.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matt. 11:28 (NIV)

  • Pray for the single parents like Ayu who are heavily burdened with life situations, that they may hear and respond to Jesus’ invitation of rest.
  • Pray that despite the constant feeling of being in need that they will turn to find a loving God who provides for them.
  • Pray that they would learn to trust God that if they “seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, ... all these things will be given to [them] as well.” (Matt 6:33)
  • Pray for foreign and national followers of Jesus who can journey with single parents, to communicate Truth and at the same time provide practical and sustainable help.

