
Teluk Kuantan Region

“I used to be rich…”

Travelling upstream, the sound of noisy machinery can be heard throughout most of the day as pumps dredge up the sand from the river bottom for use in construction. But today the river’s water level is higher than usual which makes sand harvesting more difficult. Normally sand harvesters don’t operate when the water level is high, but Mr. Rio needs to meet his quota for the day and so he chooses to continue operating until his machine eventually breaks down.

As a pioneer of the local sand harvesting industry, Mr. Rio used to be considered a wealthy man and could afford to marry four wives, as permissible by local law and religion. Forty years later, most of his previous wealth is gone, used to buy land for each of his wives and to provide for his children. He has barely saved for his retirement, and has only a modest income for his hard work. For many RM men the main motivation for working hard is to gratify their selfish desires in the form of various vices.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matt. 13:44-46 (NIV)

  • Pray that the RM will not use their income to make selfish decisions like the foolish rich farmer in Luke 12, but pray that they would use their resources to be rich towards God.
  • Pray too that they will find the “real” treasure of the Kingdom of God, and that once they find it they will be willing to give up everything for it.

